Let's transform sleep in your home!
without leaving your child to cry it out and feeling anxious, overwhelmed, and stressed,
Be calm, confident, & rested as you lead your child to a sleep-filled night!

Does your baby, toddler, or preschooler:
⭐ Need to be held, fed, or rocked to sleep?
⭐ Wake you more than 3 times a night?

Do you:
⭐ Dread naptime and/or bedtime?
⭐ Feel exhausted all of the time?

Is your exhaustion leading to…
⭐ Confrontations with your spouse/partner?
⭐ Lost productivity at work and lost joy at home?
You’re at your wits' end!
You know that something has to change, and you’re being hard on yourself because you figure this shouldn’t be so darn difficult.
You know that children are peacefully sleeping all over the world, so you figure you must be doing something wrong.
You’re losing your patience and you don’t like the person you’re becoming when you’re sleep deprived. And you know the lack of sleep can’t be good for your child either.

There IS Hope!
So I get it! I had a baby that refused to sleep! I had a baby that needed something else, but I didn’t know what that was. I had a baby that wasn’t “by the book.”
But I’m here to tell you that there is hope for your baby, toddler, or preschooler to get sleep! Your child can learn how to sleep through the night. You can restore peaceful sleep to your entire home.
Here's how we can work together
To transform sleep in your home!
You've Already Tried...
And I know what you might be thinking. You’re saying to yourself, “But, Irene, I’ve already tried everything!”
You’ve done the google searches, you’ve read the books, you’ve asked your pediatrician and you’ve asked your mother and friends.
🌝 Walked around the house, drove him in the car, and/or pushed him in the stroller
🌝 Given him a bath, and a pacifier and did his bedtime routine
🌝 Snuggled with him until he fell asleep (or let him sleep in your bed)
GET SLEEP NOWLet's Restore Sleep
You really can get sleep-filled nights again. You can teach your baby healthy sleep habits, be a happy parent again, and have a harmonious home. You can find delight in the parenting journey!
I know this for a fact because I found the solution when I too was a sleep-deprived parent. I’m forever grateful that I found Kim West {“The Sleep Lady.”}
It forever changed my life. Not only was I able to restore sleep in my home, but I learned healthy sleep habits that I could apply through all their developmental stages.
And because of the profound impact it had on me and my family, I have since dedicated my professional career to helping other families experience the same. There’s no greater joy I have than restoring sleep and helping families be calm, confident, and rested in their parenting journey!

You’re Not Alone!
Thousands of parents feel exactly the way you do.
During my first 3.5 years as a Mom, I was completely sleep deprived. I tried everything I knew, but nothing was working. I did a lot of “accidental parenting,” which was the next quick-fix strategy to get sleep short term, but never worked in the long term.
And the worst part was that I so wanted to parent from a place of love and respect. But I was too tired to do that. I found myself losing my temper with my children. I was angry and frustrated and it was affecting my marriage.
I even went against my personal beliefs and let my son “cry it out,” with no success. I felt like a failure because I didn’t know how to help my son sleep.
As a family, we were ALL sleep deprived!

I was one of the “First 50″ graduates of The Gentle Sleep Coaching Program, which is currently the most extensive and professional sleep-certification program available. The program involves over 80 hours of training, case supervision with Kim West, and a certification exam as well as ongoing professional development. Kim is the industry expert.
Since my certification in 2012, I’ve helped hundreds of families reclaim and restore sleep in their homes. Learning how to implement gentle sleep solutions successfully is possible and it works! You can implement healthy sleep habits and leave a legacy in your parenting.
As an educator for children and parents, I believe:
✨ Falling is asleep is a biological process. Learning to implement healthy sleep habits is a learned skill. Children need to learn this as a life-long skill.
✨ Understanding how sleep works during the first five years of their life will impact your child’s academic success in the future.
✨ We learn our greatest lessons from our children.
✨ We are “perfectly imperfect” parents and those imperfections will help guide us in our parenting journey.
✨ You’re your child’s first and best teacher. You’re their best advocate and expert and the answer to what's taking place in your home.
✨ Reaching out for support makes you an even more amazing parent!
Let Me Help!
Let’s work together to help restore sleep in your home. Here’s how it works:
We’ll start with a virtual two-hour sleep consultation.
We’ll have a thorough discussion of your child’s medical, developmental, and sleep history. We’ll talk about your frustrations, what you’ve tried, and your sleep goals.
Together, we’ll co-create a step-by-step sleep coaching plan tailored to your family’s unique circumstances. We’ll take into account your child’s age, developmental stage, and temperament. We’ll build the plan around your parenting philosophy and values.
Every family is different, so every plan is different and customized.
If you live in the Raleigh, NC area, we can meet in the comfort of your home for postpartum doula support and sleep doula solutions based on availability.

My Goal is to Help You

😴 Understand your child’s tears and what they’re trying to communicate to you
😴 Create the most effective sleep environment
😴 Create flexible routines and rituals that will build trust and bond you and your child
😴 Enjoy bedtime (and naptime)
😴 Parent from a place of love
Know that you are your child's best expert. I’ll equip you with tools and strategies to achieve your family’s sleep goals.

Sleep Coaching Solutions are flexible and work to meet your needs and schedule in any of the following combinations:
🌛 Age-appropriate and evidence-based sleep practices for children
🌛 Set up a restful sleep environment and predictable & flexible routines
🌛 Become equipped with calming strategies and comfort measures for a fussy or high-need infant, toddler, or preschooler
🌛 Read your child's cues and be responsive and supportive
🌛 Review of your child’s medical, developmental, and sleep history
🌛 Evaluate family needs and dynamics
🌛 Nursing or bottle-feeding support
🌛 Infant, or toddler feeding plan
🌜 Weaning from night feeds (when age appropriate)
🌜 Emotional & physical support (listening to your birth story, your fears, frustrations, concerns, observing your postpartum care, etc.)
🌜 Resources & referrals
🌜 Support for transitioning to life with a baby or multiple children
🌜 Access to personal password-protected Client Portal & Client Resource Library
🌜 Non-judgmental support
🌜 Tools for taking care of you and your baby to cultivate a relationship with your child that fosters love, trust, respect, and a secure attachment
And so much more than sleep...

➜ Sleep Doula In Home Sleep Solutions are ideal for babies 5 months and younger through the toddler season.
➜ Sleep Doula solutions can be used for in-home support within a 40-mile radius from Holly Springs,NC based on availability.
In-Home Sleep Doula Solutions
Expectant Parents to Toddlers
Hands-on, personalized support combined with virtual coaching for maximum impact.
What’s Included:
- 4-hour in-home visits to create a tailored sleep strategy.
- Real-time adjustments to nursery setup, feeding routines, and more.
- Opportunity to practice a nap session together.
- Follow-up virtual support to keep you on track.
- Unlimited text and email communication during the program.

➜ Sleep Doula In Home Sleep Solutions are ideals for babies 5 months and younger - toddler season.
➜ Sleep Doula solutions can be used for in-home support within a 40-mile radius from Holly Springs,NC based on availability.