Ep. 23 Approaching Whole Body Wellness from All Sides of You

feeding window recipes wake windows


Are you truly aware of the subtle nuances of movement and how they might be affecting your body? How we feed, move, and notice sensations in our bodies can pave the way for remarkable whole-body wellness. Today, we have Lauren Mages from Mind and Body Vitality guiding us through an exploration of the pelvic floor. She'll reveal how movement influences various parts of our body and the importance of nourishing ourselves, especially during the postpartum season.

One of the things you'll notice about the conversation Lauren and I have is that we begin by talking about movement but seamlessly transition to discussing nutrition. When we think about the wakeful window, we realize that nourishing our body and moving our bodies during this time significantly impacts how we sleep.

Depending on the professional or provider you consult, you might be told that certain sensations or experiences are normal. It's  intriguing to delve deeper into what is considered normal and to understand the root causes.

Join us as we dive into these essential insights, approaching our health and well-being with renewed awareness and vitality!

I love how Lauren shares, “It’s all connected.  If we only look at the body as this one thing. My body has pain so let’s treat the pain based on physical movement or on a medical diagnosis, you might be missing so many things that could be at play.  And then it’s like we are working with a hungry ghost.  I’m reaching for something, anything rather than looking at the root cause.”

Why is something happening? Is there pain? How are we moving our bodies, and how could this affect our overall health and well being? These are questions Lauren helps us explore and understand why we might need to problem solve to get a better understanding.

Lauren shared a quick and easy recipe that is nutrient dense to help make things just a little easier as you are taking care of you and your little one. Try her delicious recipe! 

Check out her reel to see how it's made. Watch Lauren in action and get all the tips and tricks for a perfect dish!

In my conversation with Lauren, it becomes evident how interconnected our diets, movements, and sleep patterns are. Oftentimes, we may not realize that the way we move—or don't move—our bodies could cause discomfort, making it challenging to reach a state of rest and relaxation. During the fourth trimester and the postpartum recovery journey, we may not always recognize the depletion our bodies undergo. Acknowledging and addressing the nutrients we might need internally can greatly improve our overall health and well-being.

I'm always amazed at how much I learn and continue to understand regarding the complexities of sleep. Yet, sleep can become simpler when we change our mindset and recognize who we are becoming as parents, modeling this awareness for our children.

Key Loving Lessons Learned in this episode: 

🟣 What's the difference between a Pelvic Floor Physical Therapist and a Movement & Health Specialist?

🟣 What are normal vs. common symptoms for the pelvic floor that might not be normal?

🟣 Who should seek support for their pelvic floor?

🟣 Understanding how someone moves their body 

🟣 Exploring the root cause of pain

🟣 Passive vs. active movement: How do we move our bodies?

🟣 How do we navigate functional medicine vs. traditional medicine?

🟣 How do we treat and understand the pain in our body?.

🟣 What are nutrient-dense foods and phytonutrients that support the body? And why are they important for postpartum recovery?

🟣 Understanding nutritional depletion

🟣 What foods should be eaten for postpartum recovery?

Resources mentioned to help you keep learning & growing: 

⭐ Learn more about Lauren  for  1- 1 Movement coaching,  Virtual Health coaching, Group Classes

Fill out the Contact Form and ask for the Postpartum Guide

⭐️ The First Forty Days: The Essential Art of Nourishing the New Mother 

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