Ep. 37 Breastfeeding Essentials: What You Need to Know about feeding your baby - Insights from a Lactation Consultant

bottle feeding feeding essentials feeding window lactation consultant nighttime feeding


The Hidden Connection Between Feeding and Sleep

As parents, one of the first battles we face is sleep—or the lack of it. What many don’t realize is how feeding and sleep go hand in hand. In this interview with Courtney Miller from the Better Boob, an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC), we uncover practical advice and heartfelt encouragement for navigating the challenges of feeding and sleep routines.

If you’ve ever wondered how feeding impacts your baby’s sleep, you’re not alone. Let’s dive into the highlights of this insightful conversation.

Feeding Is a Learned Skill for Both Mom and Baby

Courtney reminds us that feeding, whether breastfeeding or bottle-feeding, is a journey of learning. Babies and moms need time to adjust, which can take  6-8 weeks. It’s not always rainbows and butterflies—challenges like latching issues, low milk supply, or bottle aversion can pop up. Here’s what Courtney recommends:

  • Give it time: Both mom and baby are learning new skills.
  • Track output: Monitoring wet diapers and weight gain offers reassurance.
  • Seek support: A lactation consultant can help troubleshoot challenges early.

How Feeding Affects Sleep

“Feeding well means sleeping well,” says Courtney. Sleep struggles often stem from underlying feeding issues. In newborns, feeding takes priority as digestion matures and rhythms develop. Courtney explains that babies fed well are more likely to transition into restful sleep patterns.

Key feeding tips:

  • Prolactin levels and night feedings: Prolactin, the hormone that drives milk production, peaks between 1-5 AM. Night feedings during early months support both milk supply and baby’s growth.
  • Look for hunger cues: A content baby who feeds effectively is a baby who’s ready for sleep.


Tongue-Tie and Feeding

One of the most common questions Courtney receives is about tongue-ties. “It’s not always the issue,” she notes, “but when it is, symptoms like pain during breastfeeding or a baby’s poor weight gain shouldn’t be ignored.” Parents navigating potential tongue-tie concerns should consider the following:

  • Getting a second opinion from a trusted provider.
  • Working with a lactation consultant skilled in oral function.
  •  Exploring non-invasive solutions, like chiropractic, OT, PT, SLP etc… before opting for surgical intervention.

Check out some of the professionals on the Trusted Professionals Referral Directory.

From Social Media Myths to Real-Life Solutions

Social media often glorifies extremes in feeding, like overproducing milk or using large bottles of formula. Courtney reassures parents: “Every baby and mom is different. Don’t compare your journey to someone else’s highlight reel.” Instead, focus on what works for your unique family dynamic.

Courtney’s Story:  When the Rules Changed

Even as a lactation consultant, I found myself struggling with feeding during my second child’s newborn phase. I sought out another lactation consultant for advice. It reminded me that even experts need a village. If you feel stuck, know that it’s okay to ask for help. You don’t have to do this alone.

Sleep Is Possible—When Feeding Works

Parents, the feeding journey may be hard, but it’s essential. When babies are nourished well, they sleep better, cry less, and thrive emotionally and physically. Take it one step at a time, and reach out to experts like Courtney for guidance.  Getting feeding established is the first step in getting rested and feeling confident in the parenting journey.

Feeding and sleep are intricately connected, and as a mom, I’ve experienced this truth firsthand. Reflecting on my journey, I realize
how little I initially understood about the relationship between infant feeding and sleep. It wasn’t until I started applying these insights with the children in my home daycare that everything began to click. That moment became a game-changer, not just for the children I cared for but for me as a caregiver and a parent.

Restful nights aren’t just wishful thinking—they’re achievable with the right feeding and sleep strategies. Imagine how transformative it would be to wake up in a peaceful, well-rested home, ready to embrace the day with clarity and joy.

Key Loving Lessons Learned in this episode:

🟣 Feeding is a skill for both mom and baby—give it time.
🟣 Breastfeeding and milk supply are closely tied to nighttime rhythms.
🟣 Tongue-tie might not always be the issue but shouldn’t be dismissed.
🟣 It’s okay to seek help—even experts do.
🟣 Your feeding and sleep journey is unique—celebrate your wins!

Resources mentioned to help you keep learning & growing:

⭐ Learn more about Courtney Miller and her team of Lactation Consultants at the Better Boob
⭐ Helpful items when pumping
Breastfeeding Hospital Feeding Plan
⭐ Formula and Breastfeeding Resource: Free to Feed
⭐ Kelly Mom - Breastfeeding Resource
⭐ Baby Formula Expert
⭐ Safe Co-Sleeping Recommendations



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 Learn about other Trusted Professionals on the Referral Directory

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